Our goal is a commitment to excellence in all placement communications and transactions. Candidates are treated with respect, courtesy and professional representation. All communications with Finderseekers are held in the strictest confidence. Candidates will be presented to prospective employers only with his/her prior knowledge and approval.
Other Services:
- Resume tips
- Relocation tips
- Compensation Analysis
- Salary Negotiations
- Interview and preparation tips
- Your status update
We have added a job seeking and career counseling service. The following are some highlights of these services offered for candidates:
- FREE Assessment Tools
- Access to over 1,000 Job Boards on ONE site
- A FREE Resume Builder and Career Advisor
- Information on Educational Opportunities
- FREE Weekly Teleconference Calls on “Hot Topics”
- A Resource Library filled with Audios, Videos and Articles
- Access to 100 FREE Resume Cards for Networking
- Visit the job seeking and career counseling service web site.
We’re good listeners. Tell us about yourself, and let’s talk soon.